The human soul is hungry for beauty; we seek it everywhere – in landscape, music, art, clothes, furniture, gardening, companionship, love, religion, and in ourselves. No one would desire not to be beautiful. When we experience the beautiful, there is a sense of homecoming.
— John O’Donohue

Welcome and “Dia duit” (Gaelic - God to you) 

The Celtic Center offers an encounter with Celtic Christian Spirituality through community, teaching, and spiritual practices.  This ancient perspective has always been a relevant and vibrant way of guiding the spiritual journey through life, and it is profoundly relevant at this time in human history as there is such spiritual interest around the globe but a strong distrust of religious institutions to nurture or guide that soul-hunger. Additionally, the Earth is screaming, or perhaps weeping would be a better word, at having been mistreated and disrespected for so long and it is asking us to return to a life-sustaining and mutually affirming relationship. God is generous in love and the Creation has always been generous in it’s willingness to embrace Life.   Whereas the Western Christian traditions (Catholic and Protestant in all its forms) have failed to inspire current generations, the ancient and modern Celtic perspective invites a respectful invitation to remember who we are as dignified representations of Life, Love, and Christ’s beautiful Spirit throughout all of Creation.   

We value the contemplative spiritual practices and perspectives of the Christian tradition as well as other spiritual and religious communities around the world and throughout history. Although we are guided by a Christian outlook and way, we find great encouragement, teaching, community, and mutual support from all perspectives and practices that focus on union with God in many ways, love of others and creation, and a dignified view of all things.    

Join us as a community gathering to enjoy and encourage one another, learn of the Celtic way, re-energize a delight in participating with God in all things and in all ways, and learn to care for one another and Nature more deliberately and in a manner that brings us all into deeper awareness of the beauty of Christ in and through everything.