Blessed by the People of the Land

I live in the United States. This land, as is the land of much of the United States (including Alaska) and Canada, is and was the landscape of a dignified people that we immigrants now call "Native Americans."   This, as well as other designations, are meant to convey the truth that these dignified people lived their God-created life on and in and through this landscape. Although my most recent ancestors did live and die on North American soil, they have only a small amount of genetic and spiritual awareness of this soil, this landscape, this "place". “Place" should be a spiritual designation. Celts, Aborigines, Native Americans, African and South American tribes, and Tribal communities and nations across time and space have have always and everywhere known of God's revelation of love, sustenance, redemption, life/death/resurrection, oneness, relationship, and the personal nature of God's presence among us all. All of these cultures have always and everywhere, humbly submitted themselves to the Spirit as sacred and revelatory, and each culture has offered us blessing and awareness of God's presence, grace,  and beauty. In that spirit, I offer you this blessing from the Cherokee tribe of the American Southeast.  

May the warm winds of heaven blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit bless all who enter there.
May your moccasins make happy tracks in many snows,
And may the rainbow always touch your shoulder

-Kirk Webb, Director of the Celtic Center

You are welcome to join us for our monthly Celtic Service. The next service is on February 2nd.    

If you are interested in understanding Celtic Spirituality then our retreat, Celtic Soul, may interest you.