Divine Life is Unstoppable

Spring and Easter shout that magnificent Life and Love are here and always will be. Easter says that our fickle hearts and murderous ego-centered intentions can kill but that Divine intention will always rise again. Spring says that what appears to have been dead will rise again to the surface, and to the sun, and to full expression.


I spend a lot of time walking in the woods. The forest holds my soul well. Withdrawing into that ancient soul-ish conversation with trees, ferns, moss, animals, rocks, and earth as a life-giving womb re-births me over and over again. Breathing the oxygen rich air that is generously offered by the green plants fills up my being with health, both physical and spiritual. Standing before awe-inspiring sights, sounds, and smells invigorates my sense of wonder, creativity, and gratitude. And amidst it all there is a harmonious tone that resonates through me and through everything. To my soul sense, that tone sounds like God's very essence and presence. That tone reverberates through every thing, and thus I am reminded that the Creator continues to create in every moment and through all that is. And I am part of that resounding. You are as well.

I often marvel at the ways that nature strains toward life with repetitive creativity. Tree trunks and limbs warped mysteriously show ancient paths of straining toward sunlight. Mosses climb trunks, rocks, twigs, and stumps reaching toward areas of sunlight. Plants expand to find space for themselves and their offspring. Animals scurry about looking for sustaining resources before returning to safe homes. Water flows always toward the sea, it's ultimate collection and source. Fallen plant material forms the soil and nutrient pathways for new life. Plants and animals generously dance in a respiration flow of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Water courses through the many veins of the earth just like blood courses through our own veins. Life giving way to life giving way to life giving way to life.

The Creator is ceaseless in creative regeneration. And in the most creative act of all, the Creator manifests God-being in and through the life of Jesus as God illustrates that Divine imagine in and through us all. Easter is the glorious celebration that the life of God and the expression of eternal Love will never end. Life and Love are abundant, eternal, all consuming, and more powerful than anything, even death.

God is rising indeed.